fiction tips

5 Tips for Bringing Your Characters to Life

Make them flawed This is the one that young writers seem to trip over a lot when they first begin their journey into story, and for good reason. We all want our characters – especially our main character – to be likable. But, that’s just it, no…

Another Draft is Always Better

Another Draft is Sort of Better Another Draft is Mostly Better Another Draft is Always Better Hello Young Writers!  Literary master Bob Bristlemop once wrote: A story is never truly finished, at some point it just stops moving.

Problems and Choices

When someone asks you how your day went, what parts do you tell them? I usually start with the moments that were the most interesting, or had the greatest conflict. Some dude was acting crazy on the tram. My boss had an unreasonable request. I spilt something on…

How to Write an Interesting First Act

There are a lot of stories in the world and only so many hours in the day. Often, working with students, I’ll point to the Melbourne Young Writer’s Studio bookshelf and ask how many books they think are up there (I have no idea, but it’s a…