Outer Ring

The Many Misadventures of Nnethnen Mouns

By Anwita Vasanth Koodalithazhathuveedu The pneumatic tube hisses as I pour myself some hot chocolate- the kind with real chocolate, not the faux-chocolate abomination that the alchemists seem to think are the next big hit- and I try to guess what it could be; new intel? New orders? New… hmm.

Clock Coins

By Rufus Herbert What Are Clock Coins? Clock Coins are just like normal coins, except they’re worth more, and they expire. Expiring Clock Coins will expire after a certain amount of time. The time is chosen by the Unseen Administration. All Clock Coins have a small blinking timer on them.

The Heist

By Scout Brown The sun glowed brightly, stars sparkled away, and birds sang. While Evie wasn’t so bright.  “What should I do?! My family moved to the Inner Ring, and I’m still stuck in the Outer Ring! I’m poor and I don’t have a passport,” she says to herself, frowning.

The Outer Ring

By Arabella Kirk Ashala wandered through the dark streets, her high boots splashing in the puddles of who knows what, her satchel thrown across her shoulder. She could see the glistening fairy lights down the lane and the shouts of happy people drinking down at the old bar. Ashala quickly…

The Parcel

by Alexandria Waksberg I pulled my threadbare coat around my shoulders, the wind streaming through the gaps in the fabric and whipping my hair out behind me. It was a cold June day, and the common market was packed with eager shoppers and their bright, pearly smiles. Hagglers shouted discounts…

Petula Percival Letters

Hunter Kirkwood We meet again, for you are begging me to tell you more. For another day is another tale, but a tale of my experience will not leave my lips. At least not today. My main request has been to tell you about the many adventures I had in…

Jona’s Story

PART TWO Kayden Karabardak With the entire family making no income and having no jobs, things weren’t certain for the future of this unfortunate family. Later on this miserable day, James, the father of Jona, thought of a plan. This was his logic: In the inner ring, there are…

Jona’s Story 

PART ONE Kayden Karabardak In the corners of this mysterious city, lives one unfortunate young man, who grew up selling mysterious potions from the young age of four. Things have been hard for Jona and his family since they went broke. Jona and his family had been living in the…

Lost and Found

Neve McSweeney The night was quiet. A soft breeze rustling through the trees. The small girl sat on the cliff top, her legs dangling over the edge, looking out at the sunset. The sky streaked with pink and orange and gold. Her legs swung back and forth as she sang…

The Reds

Elodie Wastell My hand is warm, almost too warm for my liking, and slightly moist, but that’s not my fault, it’s my dads. I’m holding his hand as he just got back from a trip to the other side of the Outer Ring – someplace called the Clockwork Common Markets…