Inner Ring

The Many Misadventures of Nnethnen Mouns

By Anwita Vasanth Koodalithazhathuveedu The pneumatic tube hisses as I pour myself some hot chocolate- the kind with real chocolate, not the faux-chocolate abomination that the alchemists seem to think are the next big hit- and I try to guess what it could be; new intel? New orders? New… hmm.


By Isobel Bury “Jethro”, I hear. Time to strike.  It’s the perfect night for it.  The Night Bazaar.  Everyone is preoccupied by the fireworks popping above.  Everyone’s heads are turned upwards, away from the action going on below. This plan is flawless. I have thought through this plan again and…


By Sophia Yap Step, step, step. Silently step. Please do not let anyone hear me.  “Remind me why I’m doing this again?” I ask Georgie, my pet hamster that for some reason recently ate a fish.  “………….” (Awkward silence)  “Oh yeah, because SOMEONE KILLED ARIANNA!” My voice now loud. “Well,…

Whispers & Walls

By Leila Romanes That night, silence had a colour. My ears rang with the silver of the night’s hush, swirling like liquid mercury. The field was a desert after the harvest; I didn’t think that anything could have survived the conflagration of dry stalks. My fingers, coated with charcoal, traced…

Whispers & Walls

Leila Romanes That night, silence had a colour. My ears rang with the silver of the night’s hush, swirling like liquid mercury. The field was a desert after the harvest; I didn’t think that anything could have survived the conflagration of dry stalks. My fingers, coated with charcoal, traced spiralling…

The Diary of the Inner Ring 

Tilly Pattison  I am going to the Inner Ring to get some peace and quiet. I meet the Mayor as I sneak onto the train dressed up as an assistant. Oh no I have been discovered in the Inner Ring  and make a run for it…  “Come back here!” yells…