The Sandstorm Beast

The Sunken City is – or was, I suppose – one of the greatest mysteries in the land. How an entire city was swallowed by the Great Desert has been the basis of many scholarly papers and research projects. It would seem now they all have their answers, whether they wanted them or not…

I’m sure, if you weren’t there, you know by now what happened in Hourglass Square. The cracking of the glass could be heard across the city and people rushed to see what was happening – fools, the lot them. When the glass shattered, the sand was like a blizzard billowing through the city, turning anyone whose skin it came into contact with into stone. To think all those sandstone statues in the Sunken City were people frozen…

It raged through the city for hours, burying whole neighbourhoods in sand, before blowing away from the city into the countryside, leaving behind a trail of sand and statues. Survivors have claimed that they saw glowing eyes within the sand, as if the storm itself was alive. Was the hourglass a prison?

Whether living or not, the storm must be stopped! It happened once, someone trapped in the hourglass, we can do it again. There must be answers somewhere in the desert, whether it be in the halls of the Sunken City, or somewhere deeper in the sands, somewhere that even the nomads dare not tread. We must find those answers, but I can assure you the Order of Imperium will not make it easy, as who else would dare release the Sandstorm Beast from its prison? The only question is, why?